NFL teams pour lots of time and energy into proverbially kicking the tires of potential draft picks. They do their research and make their decisions. In the end it seems like a crap shoot. Many of the high profile names and 1st round draft choices offer little on-field production while those flying beneath the radar seem to produce – and often at a lower salary.

Investors pour lots of time and energy into proverbially kicking the tires of potential investments. They do their research (sadly and typically limited to looking at “last year’s winners,” listening to some talking head on CNBC or buying into the BS stories of folks on the cocktail party circuit who have never lost a penny) and make their decisions. In the end it seems like a crap shoot. Many of the high profile names provide little value (downside protection is as important if not more so than upside potential) while those flying beneath the radar seem to produce.

Seem eerily similar? It should. The commonality is that humans are making the decisions. We are fallible. We let our emotions cloud our judgment. Is it possible NFL teams and investors can learn from one another?

Whether drafting players or selecting investments it’s important to focus on value – not on what’s sexy, popular or how something compares.