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About Howard S. Haber, CFP®

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So far Howard S. Haber, CFP® has created 701 blog entries.

Morningstar Ranks Best §529 College Savings Plans

The folks are Morningstar released their updated rankings of the best §529 college savings plans. As with all analysis the garbage in/out theory applies so a fair amount of healthy skepticism is recommended. After all the "best" §529 plan for one family's situation is not always the "best" for another's. Although §529 programs are by [...]

Finding Black and White in the Gray

Life is hectic. How many times has, “I’m just really busy” been the answer you’ve received when asking a friend how they’re doing? We handle the time crunch with shortcuts. We like our apps, AAA diamonds, three out of four star movie reviews, Yelp and the like. But there are times when shortcuts are due [...]

The Digital You

Estate planning has always been a tricky exercise. On one hand is the objective – who inherits what, when, in what form and what’s the tax impact. On the other hand is the subjective – mostly family dynamics such as prior marriages, desire to benefit kids/grandkids (and, likely, treat them ‘fairly’), disliked relatives, deep-seated resentment, [...]

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