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About Howard S. Haber, CFP®

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So far Howard S. Haber, CFP® has created 701 blog entries.

Homeowners Insurance – What Policies Won’t Cover

Recently Apollo began working with a new client and in doing so gathered information about their P&L Insurance - homeowners ("HO") and auto plus special circumstances and risks like excess liability, flood, earthquake, hurricane, etc. They were understandably angry when we broached the topic as their current insurer (we'll leave the name out to protect [...]

The Young and the ObamaCare-less

Uncle Sam bailed out the auto industry.  Huge financial failure.  The American taxpayer lost billions of dollars. Uncle Sam bailed out the banking industry.  Huge financial success.  The American taxpayer earned billions in profits. Next in line is the health insurance industry. Poorly drafted legislation, poor implementation and now a rewrite without legislation will once again [...]

Wealth Addiction

Yesterday's NY Times included a provocative op-ed wherein a former Wall St trader describes his "addiction" to wealth.  There's lots to like and loathe so whatever side of the argument you're on you're sure to find something that supports your opinion. What I found glaringly missing from the article are several important points: The so-called addiction to [...]

IRS Releases 2014 Mileage Rates

The IRS has issued its 2014 optional standard mileage rates to calculate deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning 1/1/14 the standard mileage rates for the use of a car, van, pickup or panel truck will be: $0.56/mile for business purposes $0.235/mile for medical or moving purposes $0.14/mile in service [...]

The Taxman Cometh

When we do income tax planning for our clients one of the most frustrating aspects is YE mutual fund distributions. Each year mutual funds distribute to shareholders a pro rata portion of net realized gains and interest/dividends.  Early each year the best we can provide our clients with is a guesstimate based upon a fund's [...]

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