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These Are Long-Term Investors?

The Aon Hewitt 401(k) Index tracks trading activity across 1.3 million 401(k) accounts representing approximately $160 billion of, ahem, “long-term” investments. What did these “long-term” investors do during recent market volatility? Preceding the volatility average daily trading volumes for July and August were in line with normal levels. On Fri 8/21/15 when the S&P 500 [...]

The (Rarely) Plain Language of Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest

W. Scott Simon often serves in litigation and arbitrations as an expert witness on fiduciary issues. Similarly he frequently writes about the Uniform Prudent Investor Act. Consider the following from a recent article he authored about the problem with disclosing conflicts of interest: “Disclosures of conflicts made by many financial services providers tell you just [...]

When You’re Really, Really, Really Wrong

Some rather provocative words from Barry Ritholtz: 3 simple rules will explain 99% of human behavior 1) Most people don’t think. 2) Some people are jerks. 3) Everyone is selling something. — Barry Ritholtz (@ritholtz) June 15, 2015 Point #3 reminds me of the sentiment, ‘everyone has an agenda.’ I fought this for the longest [...]

Lessons from First Half U.S. Equity Fund Performance

There’s a fantastic exchange between President Andrew Shepherd and his aide Lewis Rothschild from 1995’s The American President written by Aaron Sorkin: Lewis Rothschild: “People want leadership…and in the absence of genuine leadership they’ll listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone...They’re so thirsty for it they’ll crawl through the desert toward a mirage [...]

The Sad State of the Financial Web

Sex sells. This isn't a surprise. But while we're titillated (how's that for a delicious pun?) by financial porn the feeling is fleeting. The results are disastrous. Just how bad is it? Kudos to Jimmy Atkinson at Fund Reference for putting together this plain language comparison (with pretty charts for the USA Today crowd) for [...]

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