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The Value of an Advisor / We Are Our Own Worst Enemies – Again!

If performance is any kind of reliable measure the typical mutual fund investor just might warrant a meet and greet with Dr. Kevorkian. It’s a bit extreme but sure gets the point across. Since we’re bombarded with messages about ‘beating the market’ let’s look at how the typical investor faired in 2014. According to the [...]

Failing To Plan Is Planning to Fail

According to a recent survey by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards 86% Americans say they’re stressed about their finances. What do they do about it? least in a meaningful or productive sense. 27% say that having a financial plan is the best way to reduce stress 22% say the answer is having [...]

Financial Plans Save Time and Worry

A recent study by Legg Mason about investor attitudes, concerns and choices yielded this little nugget: the average investor spends about 90 mins/day thinking or worrying about money while the top 10% spend 2-3 hours per day. That means having a financial plan in place and a planner creating/monitoring/adjusting it could save the average person [...]

Muni Bonds and the Foolishness of Tax-Free Returns

Not long ago a prospective client inquired about Apollo’s views of the fixed income markets and, specifically, muni bonds. It was a simple discussion – one we’ve had with our clients a number of times since the ‘market meltdown’ of 2007-2009. We explained that with ‘risk-free’ 10-year Treasuries yielding 2% and the questionable balance sheets [...]

Is That It? (Clients want home runs. Your job is to play small ball.)

The following is an excerpt from an article by Carl Richards originally appearing in the December/January 2015 issue of Morningstar magazine. We've bolded a few of the more interesting points. I suspect you’ve heard a version of this phrase at least once in your career. It usually makes an appearance after you offer a recommendation [...]

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