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Bond Fund Exposure to Puerto Rico

While Greece dominates the headlines it’s more commentary on sentiment than material threat to the financial system. Why? – 80% of Greece’s debts are owned by the European Central bank and the International Monetary Fund. When you’re a quasi-governmental organization you can absorb lots of body blows. Puerto Rico, the U.S. territory dealing with its [...]

Impact of Supreme Court’s Decision to “Fix” Your 401(k)

The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled in the case of Tibble v. Edition International. The decision will surely have unintended consequences. A bit of background: Current and former employees sued Edison (a California-based utility) claiming breach of fiduciary responsibility. The claim? Retail mutual funds in the 401(k) charged higher fees than identical Institutional funds available [...]

The Value of an Advisor / We Are Our Own Worst Enemies – Again!

If performance is any kind of reliable measure the typical mutual fund investor just might warrant a meet and greet with Dr. Kevorkian. It’s a bit extreme but sure gets the point across. Since we’re bombarded with messages about ‘beating the market’ let’s look at how the typical investor faired in 2014. According to the [...]

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