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U.S. Supreme Court Rules Inherited IRAs Aren’t Protected From Bankruptcy

A recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling provides much needed guidance on the issue of whether bankruptcy protection is afforded to inherited IRAs. While the bankruptcy protection afforded to ERISA qualified plans (as well as contributory and rollover IRAs) is clear the protection given to inherited IRAs hadn't been as well-defined. In Clark, et ux v. Rameker the U.S. Supreme Court [...]

Actual ROR vs. Stated ROR

Years ago the folks at Morningstar (the giant investment complex best known for their mutual fund research) began popularizing the investor gap - the difference between time-weighted returns (the returns of an investment) and dollar-weighted returns (the returns of an investor owning the investment).  MorningstarAdvisor (a robust offering tailored to professional advisors) recently updated the research by noting some interesting [...]

The Taxman Cometh

When we do income tax planning for our clients one of the most frustrating aspects is YE mutual fund distributions. Each year mutual funds distribute to shareholders a pro rata portion of net realized gains and interest/dividends.  Early each year the best we can provide our clients with is a guesstimate based upon a fund's [...]

Burying Poor Performance

The mutual fund industry can go to great lengths to protect itself.  Rarely has there been a group that circles the wagons any better.  A favorite tactic is merging a poor performing fund into an existing fund.  This time around the bodies will be buried simply by the passage of time.  Read what happens and see the change [...]

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