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Trust Situs: Choosing a Friendly State vs. Geographic Convenience

It’s a common question from clients. “I live in _____ so why do you want me to set up a trust in Alaska?” Financial planners, estate attorneys, wealth managers, CPAs and insurance folks alike have long favored states like Alaska, Delaware, Nevada and South Dakota for trust situs due to their trust-friendly laws enforced by [...]

Required Minimum Distributions – Do’s, Don’ts and Pitfalls

As the end of the year approaches many people start thinking about Required Minimum Distributions (“RMDs”). While typically a straightforward process (aggregated prior year-end values divided by the appropriate factor from the IRS table) there are some stumbling blocks that often give people fits. AGGREGATED DISTRIBUTION: Distribution from one non-inherited traditional IRA may be used [...]

Double Tax Break on Mortgage Interest

Many of us are familiar with the provision that interest against acquisition indebtedness (i.e. mortgages) up to $1,000,000 and another $100,000 of home equity is a Schedule A itemized deduction for income tax purposes. Unmarried taxpayers sought to "exploit" said provision by each claiming a mortgage interest deduction (thus doubling the limit) while the IRS [...]

The (Rarely) Plain Language of Disclosures and Conflicts of Interest

W. Scott Simon often serves in litigation and arbitrations as an expert witness on fiduciary issues. Similarly he frequently writes about the Uniform Prudent Investor Act. Consider the following from a recent article he authored about the problem with disclosing conflicts of interest: “Disclosures of conflicts made by many financial services providers tell you just [...]

IRS Proposes ABLE Account Regulations

In December 2014 the Achieving Better Life Experience (“ABLE”) provision was signed into law providing a means for saving and paying for disability-related expenses. Recently the IRS issued proposed regulations which may be relied upon until (and if) final regulations are proposed. Highlights include: * States may offer tax-favored accounts or contract with other states [...]

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