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Some Employees Won’t Benefit from Payroll Tax Cut

The year-end battle between President Obama and Congress yielded a two month extension of the rate reduction for the employee portion of Social Security taxes.  For January and February the rate remains at 4.2% instead of returning as scheduled to the traditional 6.2% rate. Under the terms negotiated by Congress, however, some employees won't fully [...]

Legislative Developments worth Watching

Millionaire's Surcharge Although Obama's jobs bill was killed in Congress some components may resurface in future proposed legislation.  Initial proposals included a series of tax increases on individuals making more than $200,000 and families making more than $250,000.  Among them was a 28% cap on the tax exemption for muni bond purchases.  Senate Democrats replaced these [...]

Social Security Benefits to Increase in 2012

Today the Social Security Administration announced that the 55,000,000 recipients of OASDI ("old age, survivor and disability insurance") will receive a 3.6% cost-of-living adjustment.  The average transfer payment will increase by $43/mo. bringing average benefits to $1,229/mo. Similarly 10,000,000 of the 161,000,000 workers paying into the program will find their taxes increased as the cap [...]

Valuing State Income Tax Benefits of §529 Contributions

The folks at Morningstar have taken a stab at quantifying and ranking the upfront tax breaks available at the state level for contributions to §529 college savings plans.  The results are based on a hypothetical couple earning $100,000 with two children each receiving a $2,500 contribution over the course of a year.  As such the couple's total [...]

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