We’re strongly considering adding a new category for blog posts dedicated to the wonderfully naïve Milhouse Van Houten. The goal?…expose the frauds who try to buy us with the BS they sell. You know these folks. People like him and her. Read about it here and here.
Here’s an exchange between Milhouse and Bart from the episode where Bart sells his soul. The set up?…the best friends make small talk while cleaning the church’s pipe organ as punishment for a prank.
REVEREND LOVEJOY: I want you to clean every one of these organ pipes that you have befouled with your popular music! Now get to work!
(Reverend Lovejoy goes to his office.)
BART: You shank! How could you tell on me?
MILHOUSE: Well, I didn’t want hungry birds pecking my soul forever.
BART: Soul? Come on Milhouse, there’s no such thing as a soul. It’s just something they make up to scare kids, like the Boogeyman or Michael Jackson.
MILHOUSE: But every religion says there’s a soul, Bart. Why would they lie? What would they have to gain?
(Reverend Lovejoy’s office. He is placing the tithe money in a money segregator.)
REVEREND LOVEJOY {shouting}: I don’t hear scrubbing!
The latest BS artist is the ‘trustworthy’ Angie Hicks. You know her. She speaks so warmly and looks like one of us. Of course we can trust her. Wrong!
As always it’s caveat emptor. Conflicts of interest abound. It pays to be skeptical and not get distracted by snazzy ad campaigns.
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