In response to this report about assistance for homeowners in the wake of Hurricane Katrina David Montoya (Inspector General – Department of Housing and Urban Development) admitted the program was little more than a complete and utter failure.  “I’d give it a very low D,” he said.

More than 24,000 Louisiana homeowners received grants of up to $30,000 to elevate their homes for protection from future storms.  The funds weren’t used for their stated purpose and no one knows what happened to the money.

“The fact of the matter is that the money they received was for a specific purpose and the specific purpose was to elevate these homes to avoid future catastrophes.  Considering there was just under $1 billion earmarked for this particular program and there’s $700 million that wasn’t used for that…”

In an alarmingly callous yet painfully honest answer to an inquiry about the ultimate disposition of the missing funds Inspector Montoya said, “Your guess is as good as mine.”

Is it any wonder taxpayers are irate about the government?  We’re told tax increases aren’t meant to punish success but that “millionaires and billionaires” need to pay a “fair share.”  While it’s debatable whether rebuilding New Orleans (a city that lies BELOW sea level) is a prudent thing to do there’s no debate that wasting $700 million is a horrible idea.  Increasing the burden on American taxpayers (2013 brings a higher top marginal rate, higher dividend and capital gains rates, a new 3.8% tax on investment income, a 0.9% Medicare surtax and the phase out of itemized deduction) only rubs salt in the wound.

At the risk of being nihilistic are things only to get worse?  Given the government’s splendid track record with Amtrak, the Postal Service, etc. are we to believe Obamacare is going to be an effective program?

It’s time to move to Canada!