Arguably the greatest invention of the last 1,000 years is Gutenberg’s printing press enabling the rapid dissemination of information and subsequent enlightenment of the many and far away.

If true then in a similar fashion arguably the worst inventions of the last 1,000 years are things like Twitter and Facebook. To paraphrase an old reporter’s joke, “Just because you have a microphone in front of you doesn’t mean you have anything interesting to say.”

Let’s face it, there is such a thing as too much information. (Need proof? Tell your kids about the first time you made love and await the “TMI” response!) There are things we simply don’t want or need to know. That outlets exist making it easier for this information to be shared doesn’t mean it’s useful.

Enter “reality” TV. Who needs a cooking show when we can have a cooking battle? Oh the drama! OK, fine, it’s manufactured drama but…oh the drama!

The truth is so obvious that it gets lost amongst the noise. Big Media has no interest in educating. It’s all about entertainment.

Need further proof? Finance “expert” Suze Orman is ditching her “educational” program for “Money Wars.” Great, more manufactured drama.

The danger lies within us. Many of us are too misinformed to know or lazy to care that our consciousness and beliefs are being perverted to serve someone else’s agenda. Is Suze interested in helping resolve money issues or in expanding her brand so she can sell more books, DVDs, downloads, etc? And yet many will look to Suze for “expert” advice. Ugh.