They buy us with what they sell. That’s right. The financial services industry tells us investing is easy and we should all “beat the market.” Big Media reinforces this “truth” by highlighting random acts of stupidity that somehow prove “successful.” Sadly most accounts are pure weapons grade BS.
Making matters worse is our fear of missing out on something. We know nothing of the dope we meet on the cocktail party circuit but we rush to buy 100 shares of XYZ because he was running his mouth about it. We blindly listen to the talking heads on CNBC. After all they must be “right” because they’re on TV. We take advice from our families because, after all, nothing shows financial acumen like shared DNA.
If “beating the market” is your bromide of choice then read no further. Continue gambling and guessing. When it works in your favor pat yourself on the back for your brilliance. When it goes against you blame rigged markets, Jupiter not aligning with Saturn or whatever rationalization you prefer.
If however you’re comfortable with some independent thought – some truth behind the purpose of what investing is really about and why it’s sometimes OK to underperform “the market” – then enjoy this provocative piece by Ed Butowsky on the importance of downside protection and limiting risk. Oh no, how blasphemous!
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