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IRS Again Postpones Certain Types of RMDs

HEADLINE: The IRS has postponed for 2024 required minimum distributions (“RMDs”) for non-spouse beneficiaries of inherited IRAs.  Details here. DETAIL: In legislation passed by Congress in 2019 non-spouse beneficiaries of IRAs would need to zero out accounts within 10 years.  It was interpreted to mean that no distributions could be taken for the first nine [...]

IRS Waives 2020 RMDs

IRA owners in mandatory distribution status need not take their Required Minimum Distributions for tax year 2020.  The waiver is part of last week’s legislative action taken by Congress and signed into law by the President to provide fiscal stimulus during the COVID-19 crisis. Governmental logic (not meant as an oxymoron but…) is that without [...]

Common IRA RMD Mistakes

Retirement savers in Required Minimum Distribution status likely (or at least should) know some of the basics. Some retirement savers will have reached age 70 ½ this year and begin taking their first RMDs. A popular strategy involves aggregation. IRS rules state that an RMD should be calculated for each account separately. Then, where aggregation [...]

IRA Qualified Charitable Contributions Made Permanent

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 became public law on Dec 18th. Included therein is the establishment of Qualified Charitable Distributions (“QCDs”) from IRAs as permanent. Previously the QCD provision expired annually and required extension via temporary legislation. What is a QCD? QCDs are direct transfers from an IRA to a qualified charity totaling up [...]

Required Minimum Distributions – Do’s, Don’ts and Pitfalls

As the end of the year approaches many people start thinking about Required Minimum Distributions (“RMDs”). While typically a straightforward process (aggregated prior year-end values divided by the appropriate factor from the IRS table) there are some stumbling blocks that often give people fits. AGGREGATED DISTRIBUTION: Distribution from one non-inherited traditional IRA may be used [...]

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