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You Have Money Problems? I Can Help…Maybe

Arguably the greatest invention of the last 1,000 years is Gutenberg’s printing press enabling the rapid dissemination of information and subsequent enlightenment of the many and far away. If true then in a similar fashion arguably the worst inventions of the last 1,000 years are things like Twitter and Facebook. To paraphrase an old reporter’s [...]

IRS Announces Tax Brackets and More for 2015

The following is a summary of the most common items relevant to the majority of American taxpayers. Complete information written in the IRS tax speak we know and love may be found here. 2015 income tax brackets STANDARD DEDUCTION: Singles and married persons filing separate returns may clam a deduction of $6,300 (up from $6,200 [...]

Morningstar Ranks Best §529 College Savings Plans

The folks are Morningstar released their updated rankings of the best §529 college savings plans. As with all analysis the garbage in/out theory applies so a fair amount of healthy skepticism is recommended. After all the "best" §529 plan for one family's situation is not always the "best" for another's. Although §529 programs are by [...]

Finding Black and White in the Gray

Life is hectic. How many times has, “I’m just really busy” been the answer you’ve received when asking a friend how they’re doing? We handle the time crunch with shortcuts. We like our apps, AAA diamonds, three out of four star movie reviews, Yelp and the like. But there are times when shortcuts are due [...]

Home Equity and College Aid

When did financial aid become so complicated?  It's maddening.  With formulas varying from college to college even Rube Goldberg would have a difficult time figuring it out. The latest headache is determining how home equity fits into the equation given decreased/depressed property values.  Heck, should home equity even be part of the discussion? Read more about it here.

Paying for College is Tougher…and Easier?

A recent College Board report showed tuition and fees at non-profit, private universities rose 4.5% year-over-year.  The data for state-funded U.S. public universities was worse as tuition and fees rose 8.3% more than doubling the rate of general inflation.  The typical graduate leaves college with $20,000 of debt to go along with his or her degree.  Aggregate [...]

Valuing State Income Tax Benefits of §529 Contributions

The folks at Morningstar have taken a stab at quantifying and ranking the upfront tax breaks available at the state level for contributions to §529 college savings plans.  The results are based on a hypothetical couple earning $100,000 with two children each receiving a $2,500 contribution over the course of a year.  As such the couple's total [...]

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