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You Want Answers.  We’ve Got Questions.

The year was 1994: The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, The Lion King and Forrest Gump were some of the top grossing films. ER and Friends debuted making Thursday night “must see TV” on NBC. Yahoo and Amazon were launched. Richard Nixon died. Kurt Cobain committed suicide. O.J. Simpson was arrested and charged with murder. Major [...]

95% of Decisions Are Made This Way

Do you consider yourself calm and rational?  Cool under pressure?  Master of your domain? Think again. According to Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman we make 95% of our decisions emotionally and subconsciously.  It’s after we’ve made decisions that we try to rationalize them with logic. Luxury goods are a prime example.  The manufacturers of luxury goods [...]

Are Universities Good Investors

Ah, academia.  The proverbial ivory tower.  Many are flush with assets – donations, research grants, sports revenues, etc. Are they good stewards of their capital?  Do they effectively leverage their knowledge to achieve superior returns?   Over the past ten years not one of the 149 institutions surveyed including the wicked smaht Harvard and MIT [...]

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