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Work Like a German

The problem with Federal entitlement programs is they're outdated.  SS benefits at age 65 were fine when life expectancy was 67.  Unemployment benefits were fine when job loss was frictional. In today's America retirees are living longer.  The unemployed are out of work for longer due to structural changes.  Social safety nets necessarily become a fiscal burden. One [...]

The Future of Mortgages

If The American Dream is home ownership then The American Nightmare is digging out from the mortgage.  Fortunately Uncle Sam saves the day once again in his never-ending quest to save us from ourselves. Last week The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as mandated under the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform bill released its first major rule to shape [...]


At Apollo we're fond of tuning out the noise as we embrace a small handful of influential voices.  We don't seek these people out because they are 'right' or 'wrong' but because they provide thought-provoking commentary. One of the people we take pleasure in reading is Jeremy Grantham at GMO.  His latest commentary contains a sobering [...]

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