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Vive La France!

If stupid is as stupid does then it's clear Forrest Gump is running France. Today the French government proposed a budget that includes a 75% tax rate on income assessed against the "super rich."  Robbing Peter to pay Paul is utterly pointless and is a reminder of Margaret Thatcher's wonderful comment about Socialism.  To paraphrase:  [...]

Back to the Future

Last week the FOMC released minutes from its most recent meeting.  Members indicated they are ready to implement additionalQE should expected economic weakness come to fruition. Expectations for economic weakness are predicated upon expiration of the "Bush tax cuts" (due to expire 12/31/12) and the mandatory spending cuts set to kick in as a result of the "debt ceiling" [...]

Policy or Politics?

Later today President Obama will make a speech in New Hampshire aimed squarely at voters who can't help but notice the recent rise in gasoline prices.  But will his words reflect his policy (lack thereof to be precise) or his politics? President Obama is expected to call for increased domestic production.  Similarly he's expected to [...]

Obama’s Corporate Tax Plan Reveals Much about the Emperor’s New Clothes

In a move that makes eminent economic sense the Obama administration is set to ask Congress to reduce the corporate tax ratefrom 35% to 28%.  In doing so a number of so-called "loopholes" will be reduced or eliminated. Reduce the rate and broaden the base?  Bingo!  That's how to increase revenue.  That's precisely the type of [...]

Some Employees Won’t Benefit from Payroll Tax Cut

The year-end battle between President Obama and Congress yielded a two month extension of the rate reduction for the employee portion of Social Security taxes.  For January and February the rate remains at 4.2% instead of returning as scheduled to the traditional 6.2% rate. Under the terms negotiated by Congress, however, some employees won't fully [...]

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