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Wanna Pay Someone Else’s Bills?

Yesterday kicked off the first of the Democratic debates.  How many are seeking the nomination?  Might be better to ask who isn’t.  Lots of folks on that stage last night. Anyway...a major plank in the platform is student loan forgiveness.  Presumed frontrunners Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are pledging to forgive 75% and 100% respectively. [...]

Financial Planning as Pleasant as A Medical Exam

Who likes a visit to the doctor’s office?  Exactly. In a recent survey conducted by The Harris Poll Americans likened financial planning to a medical exam.  Adults aged 18+ were asked how they feel about financial planning.  The #1 answer was “not my favorite thing in the world but know it needs to get done [...]

The Implosion of Universal Life Insurance

The problem with humans is that, well, we're human.  It means we're subject to making decisions not in our best interest.  We're easily distracted and excitable.  We want to believe what we're told.  It's a recipe for disaster. The purpose of insurance is to protect against something.  Own a car?  Great.  Buy insurance in case [...]

Moral Wills

A moral will is an attempt to transfer an intangible legacy – a heartfelt expression of what truly matters most in a person’s life.  It is designed to let heirs better understand the values, principles, beliefs and life lessons that inspired and motivated the giver. Here are some things to know when considering drafting one: [...]

IRS Releases §529 Guidance

Notice 2018-58 provides rules that can be relied upon unless and until Treasury issues clarifying rules regarding the following: K-12:  Distributions can be used to pay up to $10,000/yr of tuition per beneficiary at an elementary or secondary public, private or religious school. Tuition Refunds:  A beneficiary receiving a refund of tuition or other qualified [...]

After Divorce (and Subsequent Death) Life Insurance Proceeds Demanded By Ex-Spouse

You meet the man/woman of your dreams.  You marry.  You name your spouse beneficiary of your IRA, life insurance, 401(k), etc. Fast forward a few years.  Your marriage is one of the almost half that end in divorce.  You forget to change the beneficiary of your IRA, life insurance, 401(k), etc. Fast forward a few [...]

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