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Flo Forgot to Mention This

You get what you pay for.  Seems simple enough.  This concise yet powerful statement effectively conveys the idea that inexpensive means shoddy while expensive means top quality. Is this always true?  Of course not.  But marketers expect us to believe it.  Why buy store brand Puffed Rice when, clearly, the more expensive Kellogg's Rice Krispies are far [...]

Taxing Olympic Athletes

Athletes tax their bodies.  The U.S. taxes athletes.  As Yakov Smifnoff might say, "What a country!" To put it plainly the IRS defines income as 'everything unless we specifically say it's not.'  There's a method to the madness.  Imagine a scenario where a handful of specific items are classified as income.  The result is we'd all scramble [...]

Supreme Court Ruling on Obamacare First Step onto Proverbial Slippery Slope

Much has been written about last week's Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare - specifically the compulsory portion known as the "individual mandate."  Reactions have largely focused on the tax hikes coming in 2013 that will pay for it, speculation about how (un)affordable health care may be in the future and the headwind likely facing the [...]

Is Your Home Underinsured?

You may be surprised to learn the answer is yes yes yes! Whether it's the humorous GEICO gecko or the shamelessly transparent, ethnically non-threatening State Farm pitchman (what, we're not supposed to see through this?) we're inundated with message after message promoting the idea that insuring our homes, the most valuable asset for many of us, is all about [...]

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