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Uber and the Death of Honesty

A baby’s vocabulary consists of random, painfully high-pitched cries. TRANSLATION: several. A child’s vocabulary consists of the word “mine.” TRANSLATION: “My parents haven’t taught me to share.” A teenager’s vocabulary consists of the word “stupid.” TRANSLATION: “I lack the ability to deal with the discomfort/dislike of the situation so I’ll try to denigrate it in [...]

Financial Plans Save Time and Worry

A recent study by Legg Mason about investor attitudes, concerns and choices yielded this little nugget: the average investor spends about 90 mins/day thinking or worrying about money while the top 10% spend 2-3 hours per day. That means having a financial plan in place and a planner creating/monitoring/adjusting it could save the average person [...]

Be Nice…or Else!

A little tongue in cheek thought to get this dreary Wed morning (at least in suburban Philly) off to a fun start: It’s been said we should be nice to people who handle our food. We never know what they might do to it. What about the people who provide us with financial advice? Here’s [...]

Robo-Advisors More Hype Than Substance

In many ways technology has lowered the cost of service delivery. For a nominal cost the friendly automated voice of the credit card company allows us to “press 1” to find out our balance. Similarly we can contact a customer service rep halfway around the world when we need to speak with someone. The question [...]

You Have Money Problems? I Can Help…Maybe

Arguably the greatest invention of the last 1,000 years is Gutenberg’s printing press enabling the rapid dissemination of information and subsequent enlightenment of the many and far away. If true then in a similar fashion arguably the worst inventions of the last 1,000 years are things like Twitter and Facebook. To paraphrase an old reporter’s [...]

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