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Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

This survey from the Employee Benefit Research Institute offers some sobering statistics on the financial unpreparedness of the majority of Americans when it comes to their retirement. Sadly rather than a Darwinian solution our "leadership" in Washington will continue to attack and punish responsibility and success by taxing those of us who eschew the 120" TV in favor [...]

Wealth Addiction

Yesterday's NY Times included a provocative op-ed wherein a former Wall St trader describes his "addiction" to wealth.  There's lots to like and loathe so whatever side of the argument you're on you're sure to find something that supports your opinion. What I found glaringly missing from the article are several important points: The so-called addiction to [...]

Top 6 Reasons for Charitable Gifts

With apologies to David Letterman and Casey Kasem here are the top six reasons that motivate people to make charitable gifts according to an article by Alexandra P. Brovey - Senior Director of Gift Planning at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System Foundation in Great Neck, NY: 1. Gratitude A large number of gifts are motivated by gratitude.  Donors are quick [...]

15 Minutes Can Save You 15%

"All the rusted signs we ignore throughout our lives...choosing the shiny ones instead." "Hello, Springfield.  Sorry to divert your attention from all the big noises and shiny things." Recognize the above?  One of them?  Both? The first is a lyric from Pearl Jam's "Thumbing My Way."  The second is The Simpsons' Sideshow Bob interrupting the crowd at the air [...]

What is a Fee-Only Advisor?

Were you confused about who can call themselves fee-only advisors?  When you're done nodding you'll be comforted to know you're not alone. This past weekend The CFP Board stepped in with an attempt to clarify the issue after fumbling the ball last week.  Never fear - bureaucracy is here! First we take a trip down [...]

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