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The Young and the ObamaCare-less

Uncle Sam bailed out the auto industry.  Huge financial failure.  The American taxpayer lost billions of dollars. Uncle Sam bailed out the banking industry.  Huge financial success.  The American taxpayer earned billions in profits. Next in line is the health insurance industry. Poorly drafted legislation, poor implementation and now a rewrite without legislation will once again [...]

Obamacare Bait and Switch

1962's The Man Who Shot Liberty Vallance starring John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart gave us this gem: Stewart (as "Ransom Stoddard"):  "You're not going to use the story, Mr. Scott?" Carleton Young (as "Maxwell Scott"):  "No, sir.  This is the West, sir.  When the legend becomes fact, print the legend." In a surprising twist Big Government has decided to dump the myth in [...]

Obamacare Explained

The frustration about regulations is often the (needless) complexity.  Can't we have a CliffsNotes version?  Yes we can - Kaiser Family Foundation to the rescue! This simple flow chart explains who will be required to purchase coverage or be subject to the "remember it's not a tax...oh, wait, The Supreme Court said it is" penalty.  This calculator helps in understanding premium assistance / [...]

Our Tax Dollars Hard at Work

In response to this report about assistance for homeowners in the wake of Hurricane Katrina David Montoya (Inspector General - Department of Housing and Urban Development) admitted the program was little more than a complete and utter failure.  "I'd give it a very low D," he said. More than 24,000 Louisiana homeowners received grants of up to $30,000 [...]

Deed-In-Lieu Coming to a Home near You

In an attempt to fix America's broken housing market Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at the direction of The White House previously authorized short selling - transactions allowing homeowners to sell their properties for less than what's owed on the mortgage.  Instead of lenders pursuing to recoup the difference sellers are permitted to cancel the debt.  In another gift [...]

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