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Tax Breaks on the Chopping Block

With the unnecessarily painful rhetoric surrounding the U.S. "debt ceiling" subdued we can turn our attention to the revenue increases and spending cuts needed to lower annual fiscal deficits. Spending cuts are a matter of debate (will a government-funded midnight basketball league keep youths off the streets and, thus, lower petty crimes such as vandalism?) [...]

Now What?

With today's noontime Senate vote providing a veto-proof majority President Obama is sure to sign into law legislation to extend the U.S. debt ceiling.  Crisis averted - for now. Next up on the agenda needs to be true reform to restructure an unsound and inefficient economy.  Credible plans are needed but where will they come [...]

Stock Option Proposal Exposes Senatorial Ignorance and Greed

Recently introduced legislation by Senators Carl Levin (Democrat - Michigan) and Sherrod Brown (Democrat - Ohio) would end the ability for corporations to deduct stock option expenses from their taxable income at amounts greater than those reported on their financial statements. Sounds fair, right?  Read on. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation the measure known as "The Ending Excessive Corporate [...]

The Real Cost of the Auto Bailouts

A nice supporting article to our June 3rd post ("You Call This Change?") is available in today's Wall Street Journal.  David Skeel, professor of law at the University of Pennsylvania, builds on the points we made about the GM/Chrysler bailout charade by tackling the long-term impact of government intervention on politically sensitive industries.

You Call This Change?

For everyone who's ever accused us of being a shill for the Republicans get ready to fire off an angry e-mail because we're about to blast the Orator in Chief: Partisan politics in this country being what they are we're told the paternalistic Democrats look out for the little guy while evil Republicans care only [...]

Congressional News & Notes

Here's what's making the rounds on Capitol Hill: Taxes:  Representative Jan Schakowsky (Democrat - Illinois) introduced HR 1124 - a measure that, if enacted, would institute new and higher income tax brackets for Americans earning more than $1 million.  Those earning between $1 million and $10 million would pay a confiscatory 45% while those making $1 billion [...]

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