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AMT Relief in Sight

In 1726 Daniel Defoe wrote in The Political History of the Devil, "Things as certain as death and taxes, can be more firmly believed." The more familiar phrase was used by Benjamin Franklin writing in a 1789 letter to Jean-Baptiste Leroy, "In this world nothing can be certain, except death and taxes." In 2010 Apollo [...]

People Who Live in Glass Houses…

Unless you've been living on the moon for the past 2 years you've heard Obama, Pelosi and team blame the housing crisis (and just about everything else from the Kennedy assassination to the extinction of the dinosaurs) on Wall Street. Indeed the financial engine that drives our economy is complicit. There's no debating this point. [...]

When a 36% ROR isn’t a 36% ROR

The eight investment funds created under "PPIP" (Treasury Secretary Geithner's Public-Private Investment Program) have proven a smashing success. Through September 30th the average net internal rate of return ("ROR") is 36%. The program aimed to help ailing U.S. banks by purchasing so-called toxic mortgage-backed securities ("MBS") weighing down their balance sheets. Treasury partnered with private [...]

Has He Seen the Light or is Political Motivation behind Barney Frank’s Fannie/Freddie “Mea Culpa?”

Poking fun at politicians is, well, fun. And why shouldn't it be? Many elected officials cling to their ideological biases - shamefully blinding themselves to the real-world and anything that may disprove their theories or derail their agendas. It seems it's been a long time - far too long - since we've heard "I'm wrong" [...]

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