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Congress Inches Closer to Addressing Estate Tax Limbo

A Senate panel's recently adopted budget resolution would reinstate the federal estate tax at 2009 levels for two years. The resolution is non-binding. The House has not yet approved a budget resolution. However, it previously passed HR 4154 ("Permanent Estate Tax Relief for Families, Farmers and Small Businesses Act of 2009") that repeals provisions of [...]

Why Greece Really Matters

Lost in the hoopla surrounding Greece's self-created financial mess is a simple fact. Greece, like most southern European countries, is far from a political or economic powerhouse. Its GDP contributes a scant 2% of the EU's total. Then why all the noise? Why the excitement surrounding an economic player that amounts to not much more [...]

Are Muni Bonds Dead?

On Feb 23rd Senator Ron Wyden (D - Oregon) and Senator Judd Gregg (R - New Hampshire) introduced the "Bipartisan Tax Fairness and Simplification Act of 2010" to overhaul what they dubbed a "broken" tax system. Among other provisions the bill would preclude the issuance of tax-exempt (i.e. muni) bonds beginning in 2011 while changing [...]

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