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Common IRA RMD Mistakes

Retirement savers in Required Minimum Distribution status likely (or at least should) know some of the basics. Some retirement savers will have reached age 70 ½ this year and begin taking their first RMDs. A popular strategy involves aggregation. IRS rules state that an RMD should be calculated for each account separately. Then, where aggregation [...]

Paying for College – How Assets Impact Financial Aid

"I won’t qualify for financial aid.”  It’s a familiar refrain.  But how do you know? The problem isn’t what you own – it’s that you feel like you own too much. The solution?  Understanding which assets help/hurt the financial aid decision. With parents filing for financial aid for the 2017-2018 school year this is a [...]

IRS Finalizes Taxpayer Definition Rules for Same-Sex Marriages

In accordance with Supreme Court decisions the Internal Revenue Service has issued final regulations redefining terms relating to marital status.  The rules reflect the Supreme Court’s landmark rulings in the 2015 case of Obergefell v. Hodges and the 2013 case of Windsor v. U.S. that legalized same-sex marriage in every state and invalidated the Defense [...]

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