Quantifying the Value of Advice
Are advisors worth their fees? Research shows the answer is a resounding “yes,” albeit not for the reasons you might have supposed. Find out why here.
Are advisors worth their fees? Research shows the answer is a resounding “yes,” albeit not for the reasons you might have supposed. Find out why here.
Editor’s Note: “Companion animal” is the preferred term – just doesn’t make for a catchy title. Although many states define companion animals as property most of us view them as family members. With the recent passing of legislation in Minnesota the creation of pet trusts is now possible in all 50 states. While the following [...]
Our caveman ancestors had a simple test for survival – Fight or Flight. In our modern world money is the source of survival. As a result every primitive survival and pleasure-seeking drive is intensely focused on capturing and guarding money. These drives are involuntary and highly emotional emerging more quickly and forcefully than logical analysis. [...]
The annual Cost of Living Adjustment (“COLA”) to monthly Social Security checks is fast becoming a relic in a world of near-zero inflation. According to the most recent estimates the 2017 COLA is likely to be 0.7% on the high end and, at worst, 0%.
You have the right to remain silent - and to unlock your phone for us! One of life's realities is that the legal system fails to keep up with the pace of technological change. Here's an example where technology forgot about one of life's realities. That is, while people cannot be compelled to reveal passwords [...]
The recent release of the “fiduciary rule” from the Department of Labor is being hailed as a boon to consumers. Conflicts of interest in the retirement advice industry are supposed to be a thing of the best. But will they be? Many consumers seek guidance from a brokerage firm. You know them well – Morgan [...]
Earlier this week the Department of Labor (“DOL”) released new rules aimed at ensuring providers of retirement investment advice adhere to a fiduciary standard – that is, to put the best interests of clients first and above all. This may seem like an obvious point but as we wrote here many investors have no idea [...]
Years ago I was in the office of a friend and colleague who was purchasing tickets from Ticketmaster. He wished to take his young child to the circus. A fairly straightforward and common transaction. At the end of the call the Ticketmaster rep summarized the transaction. "The cost per ticket is $x including a convenience [...]
As Donald Trump's campaign gains steam Google searches for "move to Canada" are at their highest level since 2004 when "W" was seeking a second term. We could provide you with some financial things to consider but that's about as exciting as watching paint dry. So what do we have for you instead? How about [...]
The folks behind Spotlight and The Big Short are teaming up to bring us the next Oscar-worthy film about investing: “Hiding Misconduct.” (OK, it’s a snarky joke but it makes the point. Isn’t that the goal of communication?) On a serious note the latest information on misconduct in the financial services industry offers a scathing [...]