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Revisiting Decision-Making Biases

Our caveman ancestors had a simple test for survival – Fight or Flight. In our modern world money is the source of survival. As a result every primitive survival and pleasure-seeking drive is intensely focused on capturing and guarding money. These drives are involuntary and highly emotional emerging more quickly and forcefully than logical analysis. [...]

DOL’s Fiduciary Rule Helps Wall Street – Not Consumers

The recent release of the “fiduciary rule” from the Department of Labor is being hailed as a boon to consumers. Conflicts of interest in the retirement advice industry are supposed to be a thing of the best. But will they be? Many consumers seek guidance from a brokerage firm. You know them well – Morgan [...]

In Wake of DOL’s Fiduciary Rule Key Regulator Doubts Robo-Advisors Can Be Fiduciaries

Earlier this week the Department of Labor (“DOL”) released new rules aimed at ensuring providers of retirement investment advice adhere to a fiduciary standard – that is, to put the best interests of clients first and above all. This may seem like an obvious point but as we wrote here many investors have no idea [...]

Financial Advice from the Catholic Church

The folks behind Spotlight and The Big Short are teaming up to bring us the next Oscar-worthy film about investing: “Hiding Misconduct.” (OK, it’s a snarky joke but it makes the point.  Isn’t that the goal of communication?) On a serious note the latest information on misconduct in the financial services industry offers a scathing [...]

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