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Legislation Broadens Access to ABLE Accounts

First the good news... The recently enacted Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 includes a subsection that eliminates the state residency requirement for Achieving a Better Life Experience (“ABLE”) accounts. ABLEs are tax-free accounts (similar to §529 qualified tuition plans) that allow individuals who become disabled before reaching the age of 26 to pay for certain [...]

Joseph Granville’s Market-Timing Lesson

“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.” -Sun Tzu The humorously sad side of being in the wealth management business is having listened through the years to the people who want to ignore solid advice and strategies in favor of blindly following the fakakta theories of [...]

IRA Qualified Charitable Contributions Made Permanent

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 became public law on Dec 18th. Included therein is the establishment of Qualified Charitable Distributions (“QCDs”) from IRAs as permanent. Previously the QCD provision expired annually and required extension via temporary legislation. What is a QCD? QCDs are direct transfers from an IRA to a qualified charity totaling up [...]

Congress Guts Popular Social Security Strategy

In an attempt to close a ‘loophole’ they claim is exploited by ‘evil one-percenters’ Congress has done away with a very useful planning strategy – File and Suspend. File and Suspend allows spouse #1 to file for and immediately suspend receipt of benefits until a future date up to age 70. This allows spouse #2 [...]

IRS Announces 2016 Inflation-Adjusted Limits

Last week the IRS told us what’s new in 2016. While some items remain unchanged there are interesting developments with 401(k) contribution limits, income tax brackets and deductions, IRA contributions, the estate tax credit, AGI phase outs and more. More than 50 tax-related items were addressed. A partial summary and some of the more interesting [...]

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