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IRS Announces Tax Brackets and More for 2015

The following is a summary of the most common items relevant to the majority of American taxpayers. Complete information written in the IRS tax speak we know and love may be found here. 2015 income tax brackets STANDARD DEDUCTION: Singles and married persons filing separate returns may clam a deduction of $6,300 (up from $6,200 [...]

Finding Black and White in the Gray

Life is hectic. How many times has, “I’m just really busy” been the answer you’ve received when asking a friend how they’re doing? We handle the time crunch with shortcuts. We like our apps, AAA diamonds, three out of four star movie reviews, Yelp and the like. But there are times when shortcuts are due [...]

Homeowners Insurance – What Policies Won’t Cover

Recently Apollo began working with a new client and in doing so gathered information about their P&L Insurance - homeowners ("HO") and auto plus special circumstances and risks like excess liability, flood, earthquake, hurricane, etc. They were understandably angry when we broached the topic as their current insurer (we'll leave the name out to protect [...]

Economic and Investment Outlook

Recently we had the pleasure of making a presentation at a local business association’s quarterly breakfast. The focus was the economy, contributing factors and the impact on small and mid-sized businesses – the owners of which comprised the bulk of the audience. Thereafter a Q&A was held with questions coming mostly from economic, investment and [...]

Lessons From A Lost Decade

The pop culture element of the financial world has dubbed these last ten years as The Lost Decade – a means of describing the roughly 10% drop in the S&P 500 during the timeframe. It’s a lament to seemingly better times like the late 90s when or anything else with the ubiquitous dot-com label [...]

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