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$100 Oil’s Winners & Losers

The price of a barrel of oil is up 300% since 1999 yet nearly all regions of the world continue to see their economies moving ahead full steam. What would happen if oil tops the psychologically important $100/barrel mark? Think it’s far-fetched? Not so. There’s fighting in the Middle East, voracious Chinese demand, concerns about [...]

It’s All About ‘The O’

With apologies to, our latest musing is all about ‘The O’. The O in this case is Ownership. Bill Gross of PIMCO fame is today’s target. We’re not arguing with his track record. He clearly is a skilled fixed income manager. But we’ll throw caution to the wind and commit the ultimate blasphemy – [...]

The Tax Increase Prevention And Reconciliation Act Of 2006

Yesterday, President Bush signed into law The Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2006 (“TIPRA”). Although the new legislation contains a number of revenue raising initiatives and items impacting corporations, the following highlights the tax saving items for individuals: DIVIDENDS AND CAPITAL GAINS: The current law (due to expire 12/31/08) provides for a maximum [...]

Fool’s Gold

Gold continues its meteoric rise and currently sits at multi-year highs. Content-thirsty Big Media has flooded the airwaves and newspapers with more and more stories about the surge in gold prices and speculation about the cause(s). Now retail investors are taking notice and starting to ask whether now is a “good” time to buy gold. [...]

Is The Fed Finished Raising Rates?

On 12/13/05, The Federal Reserve raised the target Fed Funds rate 25 basis points to 4.25%. This widely expected move marked the 13th straight increase since June 2004. What wasn’t as widely expected was The Fed's decision to alter the language of its policy statement. By removing the word "accommodative", The Fed may be hinting that [...]

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