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Tweedy, Browne Shareholder Letter

You’ve heard it before.  Lots of content for the sake of content.  Most stuff garbage and a waste of time.  We like to pass along the exceptions. We strongly recommend the 9/30/18 shareholder letter from Tweedy, Browne.  As always it’s an honest, plain language discussion of markets, economies, results and how value investing fits into [...]

Oregon Expands State-Run Retirement Plan to Individuals

Last year Oregon became the first state to implement a mandatory retirement plan for companies not offering a retirement plan to their employees.  Continuing to blaze the trail the state is now expanding the program to individuals so that the self-employed and/or so-called gig economy workers may benefit. Plan participants invest through IRA-like accounts that are [...]

Moral Wills

A moral will is an attempt to transfer an intangible legacy – a heartfelt expression of what truly matters most in a person’s life.  It is designed to let heirs better understand the values, principles, beliefs and life lessons that inspired and motivated the giver. Here are some things to know when considering drafting one: [...]

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