Friends and clients alike love to tweak us at Apollo – calling us a shill for the Republicans. We suppose that’s fair. After all we tend to side with the right on economic issues. Yet as we like to point out commonality or correlation doesn’t necessarily equate to causation or certainty. But we digress…
If we are indeed a shill for the Republicans would we offer this? On Friday contributor Margaret Carlson made a wonderful point regarding Sarah Palin’s public outrage over the political correctness (or lack thereof) of Rahm Emanuel. If it’s as true as she presented it to be then she really has to be ticked off at Rush Limbaugh – a true shill for the Republicans.
Why is Palin miffed at Rahm Emanuel and why should she be at Rush? Let’s see which side of her mouth she speaks from on this issue. In the interim let’s all vote Libertarian, OK?!
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