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We can always count on Reverend Lovejoy to show us the way.  His wonderful quote is from The Joy of Sect – an episode of The Simpsons that aired in 1998.  The episode was premised on a cult that raised funds to build an intergalactic spaceship and take all so-called Movementarians to a life of bliss on the planet of Blisstonia – a planet well known for its high levels of bliss!

The wonderful parody aside it makes an important point.  Religion and money don’t mix.

As we’ve spoken and written about countless times (here and here for example) investing is a tool for earning and protecting profits.  It is a poor choice for expressing one’s views on politics, society, religion, morals/ethics, etc.

That won’t stop Big Religion from trying to make a buck.  Witness two new biblically-inspired ETFs available for investors who wish to follow such an approach.

We certainly won’t tell people what they should/shouldn’t believe.  We simply find perverting the goals of investing a poor means of expression.

In the end these new ETFs are like any other investment vehicle.  They are tools.  Use them wisely . . . which in our view and in the case of these new ETFs means not at all.

Caveat Emptor!